Serialisation methods

The first two virtual methods allow Graphcode to access Classdesc generated serialisation routines. Assuming you have declared a class foo as follows:

class foo: public object
  virtual void lpack(pack_t *buf);
  virtual void lunpack(pack_t *buf);

Then you may define the virtual functions as follows:

inline void pack(pack_t *,eco_string,foo&);
inline void unpack(pack_t *,eco_string,foo&);
inline void foo::lpack(pack_t *buf) {pack(buf,eco_string(),*this);}
inline void foo::lunpack(pack_t *buf) {unpack(buf,eco_string(),*this);}

The definitions for pack(,,foo&) and unpack(,,foo&) will then be created in the usual way by Classdesc.

It is important that pack(,,foo&) and unpack(,,foo&) be explicitly declared before use, otherwise a default template function will be linked in which will not work as expected. See the note on using polymorphic objects under Classdesc.